Development Journal
Some details have been improved to improve the design on smartphones
Tooltips no longer open on smartphones
A new SASS function has been added to simplify hover support on smartphones
Some files were renamed
The autoptimize plugin has been installed
The new partner pages have been put online
Some files are no longer loaded on the front
Added a new page for partners
Minimize functions have been improved
The French translation has been improved
Links to Spotify have been added
Some files have been renamed
New SASS functions for fonts control.
Better language selection menu
The URLs of the Home Pages have changed
The list page normally displays the countries and the names of the contributors if there are multiple contributors
New design for Single-counties pages
New effect is–noisy
New SASS functions
The countries appear again under the names of the contributors on the Contributors page
Now the menu closes when you click outside
Prepare to add a PayPal button
Debug Google Analytics
Updating WordPress and other stuff
Unnecessary files have been deleted
We can now assign multiple nationalities to a contributor
The GDRP module has been greatly improved.
The new version of WordPress is now installed
27.02.2021 and have been reserved
The Footer has been converted to Flexbox
A system to manage shadows has been added. So shadows have been added everywhere.
Modulor is divided by two. So we redesigned the system type. And then… we finally redesigned everything.
Finally, we totally re-developed the Message section.
Debug weird stuff in the messages section
Now you will no longer change the language by using the toolbar. 🥳
(The cross to close the main menu is again perfectly centered).
Reorganizes Menus and Add a new one for Toolbar
Convert header to flexbox (preparation to remove the grid system)
Update WordPress
A new menu to change language has been added.
The header has been modified.
Added small details on the contributor page
The design of the footer has been again improved.
The message system at the bottom of the site has been improved : design and code have been updated a little bit.
The design of the accordions has been again improved.
Font loading has been optimized
The translation of the site has progressed. A new menu to change language has been added.
The design of the accordions has been improved.
The footer has been translated into French.
The design of the footer has been improved.
We changed the names of some files and deleted unnecessary folders.
Multilingual support will be completed soon.
New plugins have been added to try to remove our boring malware
WordPress has been updated
Oripeau is now on GitHub
The gallery page has never been so cool on a smartphone.
WordPress has been updated (boring)
The names of the new team has been added to the contributors page!
The server was upgraded!
SEO has been (a little) improved
The fight continues: the entire website has been reinstalled.
New security update and improvement.
11.11.2020 is now fixed! Youppy!
We tried to repair the globe on the page We were failed. But now the globe is spinning on itself.
Some boring WordPress core and plugins update
Update Friends List
Updating WordPress plugins
Improved social network legend generator for Tumblr Tag
Improved Photoshop scripts
Updating the Submit page texts
Accordions are debugged (sorry about that)
Another boring week: we tried to kick ass over some malware installed on our website and fixed our sitemap.
(No funny task this week, we made a invoice and put in order our Google Drive)
Our Customs Gutenberg blocks are much much better.
The list of improvements to be implemented on is now shared between all the project administrators.
We have improved our legend generator to add our sponsors.
Some links on the backoffice are debugged.
The contributor’s nationality has been added on the contributor-single page.
The date on the oripeau-single pages is now ok.
Images should load faster on the website.
Um… (Clears throat) We changed the name of the Panel Location field in the database. So, for the second (and last) time today: all oripeau now have a Panel location.
A colored rectangle is now displayed when images are loaded on the gallery page.
The Panel Location is now displayed on the List and Oripeau-single pages.
All oripeau now have a Panel location (and it was boriiiiiiiing to add)
A new field has been added to the database : Panel location
The Autoptimize settings have been changed to make the pages load faster.
WordPress and plugins have been updated.
We are now using the latest version of PHP
Our incredible Google Sheet has one bug less.
Some text changes on the Submit page. Nothing too important.
The images in the gallery are larger on smarphone.
We can sort the list again.
(A new page has been created to help administrators to search the database)
The links to Tumblr are working now again.
We have improved our “caption generator” and Photoshop scripts.
The gallery page has been improved: there will be less holes now (but there will still be some)
The design of the single-contributor pages has been improved.
With our new functions.php file, it’s now the feast of wp_enqueue_script (and wp_deregister_script to make the code lighter). Ps. Ajax is coming soon. :)
The code is now a little friendlier with the W3C.
Goodbye damn bug: now, “echo get_template_directory_uri()” output /wp-content/oripeau/twentynineteen. And that’s good news. Maybe we’ll be able to activate AJAX soon.
(A small error has been corrected in the code of the list page)
The Design of the Map page is now a little better.
Add “Can I send more than one contribution?” on submit page.
Our “legend generator for social networks” is now debugged. Youpppppy!
It’s not really important, but we’ve improved the description of the theme oripeau.
Many useless files have been deleted.
The functions.php file has been “split” into smaller files. It is now easier to work with.
As every week, a few plugins have been updated.
The template oripeau is no longer a template-child (We hope this will help us to activate Ajax technology on the website).
The publication date no longer displays twice when there are two contributors.
A few things have been updated
The “show me more” section is improved on smartphone.
We have added an email field in the backoffice.
It’s not really important, but we have updated the screenshot.png file.
Improvement of many small things (especially on smartphone).
Debbug 404 page.
Using our new Gutenberg block on the About page.
Add a new WordPress Block for Gutenberg! Youppy.
We update (again) some plugins.
We have improved the user experience on smartphones. It’s not perfect, but it’s already much better.
Add some Sticky effect on the list
The texts on the list page are a little more pleasant to read.
The Scroll Button is debugged
The page you’re reading right now has never been as nice as it’s right now.
Covers are much better.
Tooltips have new colors
The message at the bottom has a new color.
Debug footer on Safari
The colours of the texts are a little lighter.
The texts on the Submit page are now a little more understandable.
The background is now lighter.
Update WordPress and few plugins
Our legend generator has been upgraded. It’s easier to choose countries and hashtags.
Our Google Drive is now better organized (we receive lot of contributions, we had to change our system)
We’ve improved a few pre-saved emails.
The submit text is now more precise.
We add on footer and About Page
We have modified some texts
Countries are now listed in alphabetical order on the Map page. And then the design is a little better.
The Single-Countries pages are now much better.
Sans-serif are boring. Time to add Warnock. :D
We improve the smartphone experience
We harmonize as many elements as possible (height, font size margin, padding, etc.) with a new SASS variable: $modulor
The main menu has been improved
We have changed the color management. The shadows are coming….
We added ot poster wall to the list of friends. Welcome!
We have added some favicons. :)
The map is now fixed. Youppy!
The last have been replaced by
We are trying a new design for the Single-oripeau page.
We corrected some texts on the single-oripeau and Submit pages
We found another little graphic bug with the messages at the bottom of the screen. Now it’s gone somewhere else. Goodbye little bug. We wish you a happy life.
The links in the texts are now lightly colored.
The site is now in https!
We have modified some WordPress options like Tagline and other stuff.
We added a little something today: the submit page has been improved. But it’s actually incredible! We have added a new block with Gutenberg on WordPress. It’s really awesome.
Oripeau singles pages are now much more comfortable on smartphones.
The footer is displayed correctly on landscape smartphone.
The All Contributors page is now easier to read on smartphones.
The design of the toolbar has evolved a little. Most importantly: it’s much better on smartphones.
The texts in explorer section on the footer have changed.
We added some meta tags in the head.
We have updated WordPress and some plugins.
Links to contributions have been added to the list view.
We added the countries of the other friendly projects.
We have added the project NoPARKING Project in our friends and in the footer.
The titles of the contributions have been added on the gallery page.
Good news: when you click on the button “Let me see anyway” on smartphone, the message will disappear for 1 month.
Unbelievable! The gallery page is now much more fun. Some random photos are sometimes much bigger.
When we added the possibility to sort the list page, a bug was born. It has now gone to somewhere else. Goodbye Mister Bug.
An error 404 page is added.
The list page is now sortable (and it’s really awesome).
The page list is improved: countries are now visible.
We changed the texts on the about page.
We add a Submit page!
We have added some text to the map page.
We have added a new animation to the menu button.
Footer is now better on smartphone.
The titles and authors of the contributions are added to the home page.
The footer has been improved: it’is no more empty than before.
We have added Google Search Console. (-_-;)
About 40% of users use a smarphone. So we have improved the user experience.
We have added links to social networks in the menu.
We have added links to other projects similar to oripeau on the About page.
We added a very huge footer. But right now, it’s empty. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Unused typefaces are no longer downloaded.
We have added a new option in the back office to modify the layout. About page is now much better.
We have fixed a bug in the button to close the message at the bottom of the screen.
We have once again changed the colours. The colours are more joyful. We have further improved the color management on the site. Thanks to the darken and lighten functions.
The message for smarphones is more friendly.
The list page has been improved a little.
Now the All contributors page displays the number of contributors. I love this feature!(ᵔᴥᵔ)
Patch some texts and bugs.
The message at the bottom of the screen is now animated!
We have added a message for smartphone users.
We update few Plugins again.
We have finished improving the menu. Youpppy!
Single-oripeau pages are a little better: we have improved color management and header
We have again improved the header: logo, menu, height, etc. Everything is new again. But it’s promised: next week, it will be finished!
We update few Plugins.
We add some tooltips to the menu.
We add a new page: About.
The standard pages are still unattractive but now they are a little better.
We are trying new colors (and we have again improved color support).
The margins of the log page, single-countries pages and single-contributor pages are now better.
The new button for scrolling down has been improved. Youppi!
Custom overflow is now better.
We have improved the header: logo, menu, height, etc. Everything is new. (But it will soon be even better!)
Patch some texts and bugs.
The log page is now in black and white. It looks a little more like the map page.
The single-countries pages are a little bit better.
A new button is now available to sroll down on the home page.
Add custom overflow.
Improve messages at the bottom of the screen. Soon, it will be animated!
Add support Google Analytics (-_-;)
The single-contributor and single-countries pages are a little bit better
Damned! We have modified the database to rename a Custom Post Type!
Adding a background to the messages at the bottom of the screen.
Improved color support (Thanks to the SASS variables!).
Now the menu is bigger: It can support more pages!
Standard pages can now be added.
Add a small arrow like this one ↦ in the footer’s message.
Improve texts on the log page.
A button can be used to temporarily hide the messages at the bottom of the screen.
The first photo on the oripeau-single pages is visible again.
The page title is now better.
Add a new page log. (This is the page you are currently reading :D )
Beginning of the experiment: one update per week.
Development begins
Domain name registration is still in development
Every week, we post graphics on the street for people. Oripeau is a project still in progress. So we decided to do the same with this website: it's updated every week.
We add small new features or improve the design. So come back soon. And don't forget: oripeau is a collaborative project. So you can also contribute to development by sending ideas or comments.
Send us a message at